lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018


Hello everyone !
I’m Alyssa and  I decided to become a language and culture assistant for many reasons. At Ohio University I studied journalism and Spanish. Studying language improved my communication skills and a passion for teaching within me. I desire for people all over the world to be able to communicate with each other. Bilingual schools, like Nuestra Señora de Araceli, play a critical role in creating such a reality. Having just graduated from college, I am excited to utilize my skills and gain valuable teaching experience in Spain. I enjoy teaching both English and Spanish as a foreign language and am excited to assist the children of Lucena in acquiring an additional language. I hope to become a member of this community and look forward to growing as both a person and educator as I assist the educators of Nuestra Señorade Araceli in teaching their students English. I’m excited towitness the progress that students make this year, and I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of that process.

Hello!! I'm Lauren and I decided to become an auxiliar de conversación because I love learning languages at university and I think it is an amazing opportunity for everyone to learn a second language. English and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages throughout the world so I think it is a fantastic idea to run bilingual schools in Spain and be taught by native speakers like myself. I am looking forward to helping all the students with their English language and hope that while living here I will also improve my Spanish. I expect this experience to be very educational and beneficial to not only the students but to me and the other teachers too. Thank you for having me!

Lauren Mosettig
Newcastle, England.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018


Hello everyone again!
We start a new year with new teachers, new mates, new classrooms. Lots of news!
This year we are going to use thisd blog for facilitating you your learning, so pay attention to it and be aware of every news.
Let's on!!!

viernes, 15 de junio de 2018

Animal descriptions

We continue working with animals. In this video you can watch some descriptions of our favourite animals. Enjoy! 

jueves, 14 de junio de 2018

Animal questions

We have been practicing some questions about different animals. In this video you can see some of the animals we have been working with. They are alive!!

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

Our school was full of eggs this morning! Easter Egg Hunt is fun holiday activity for kids of all ages. The object of this Easter activity is to simply find the hidden eggs. After that, students have to complete different tasks to obtain five stamps. Once completed they exchanged their finding cards for chocolate eggs.

We had a great day! Happy Easter!

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Quiz with Lydia

Today we've had an special class prepared by our assistant Lydia in 4ºA The students have enjoyed a lot. 
Lydia explains us what we've done:

Today in class I gave a presentation on the "Landscape of the United States". The students had been learning about landscapes this unit and we thought it would be a great idea to show them the landscape of my country.

I presented on the landscape of the United States while focusing mostly on the landscape of Michigan, my state. The students were surprised by the size of the Great Lakes that surround Michigan. In the photos, the students thought the lakes were the sea or ocean! I also showed them an island in Michigan called Mackinac Island.This island is unique because cars are not allowed on the island. Instead, people travel by horse and carriage or by bike. 

After my presentation, we played "Jeopardy", a popular game show in the USA. The class was divided into two teams and they took turns answering questions to win points. It was great to see how the students were able to work together as a team. I enjoyed teaching the students more about my country and I think they all had a fun time in class!

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2018

Hello, everyone! / Hola a todos / Una breve presentación de nuestra Asistente de Inglés / A brief presentation of our English Assistant

Hello, everyone!

My name is Lydia and I am the English language assistant at Nuestra Señora de Araceli. I am from the United States where I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I recently graduated from Grand Valley State University with a degree in Spanish and Speech-Language Pathology.  I will be returning to university in August to begin my masters of Speech-Language Pathology.

I come from a family of five: my parents, my two brothers, and myself. We enjoy going camping together in northern Michigan on the Muskegon River and spending time with our extended family.

When I am not working or studying, I like to travel, go to the beach, bake desserts, play tennis, go hiking, and spend time with my friends. Since I have been in Spain, I have been able to travel to seven different countries! I am glad I have the opportunity to travel around Europe and throughout Spain while I am here.

In 2015, I spent four months living and studying in Sevilla. It is a gorgeous city and holds a special place in my heart. After I went back to the United States, I knew I needed to come back to Spain.

I am so grateful to be placed in Lucena. It is a beautiful town full of friendly people. I love my job here at school. The kids are so sweet and put a smile on my face every day. The teachers at school have been so welcoming. I am having such a positive experience here that it will be difficult for me to leave at the end of the school year. I will surely be enjoying every moment of my time left here.

Lydia Lipski

¡Hola a todos!

Me llamo Lydia y soy el auxiliar de conversación en Nuestra Señora de Araceli. Soy de los Estados Unidos donde vivía en Grand Rapids, Michigan. Recientemente, me gradué de la Universidad de Grand Valley con título en español y logopedia. Voy a regresar a la universidad en agosto para empezar mi máster de logopedia. 

Soy de una familia de cinco miembros: mis padres, mis dos hermanos y yo. Disfrutamos ir de camping en el norte de Michigan en el río Muskegon y pasando tiempo con nuestros parientes. 

Cuando no estoy trabajando ni estudiando, me gusta viajar, ir a la playa, hornear postres, jugar al tenis, hacer senderismo y pasar tiempo con mis amigos. Desde mi llegada a España, he tenido capaz de viajar a siete países distintos! Estoy contenta de tener la oportunidad de viajar por Europa y por España mientras estoy aquí. 

En 2015, pasé cuatro meses viviendo y estudiando en Sevilla. Es una ciudad preciosa y tiene un lugar especial en mi corazón. Después de regresar a los Estados Unidos, sabía que necesitaría regresar a España. 

Estoy tan agradecida estar en Lucena. Es un pueblo bonito y lleno de personas amigables. Me encanta mi trabajo aquí en el colegio. Los niños son adorables y cada día ponen una sonrisa grande en mi cara. Los maestros en el colegio me han hecho sentirme muy bienvenida. Tengo una experiencia tan positiva que será difícil salir al final del año escolar. Seguro que estaré disfrutando de cada momento del tiempo que tengo aquí. 

Lydia Lipski

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Presentación del nuevo blog de Inglés / Presentation of the new English Blog

Seguimos  nuestra andadura como centro bilingüe, así pues este año continuaremos con el proyecto con ganar de aprender cada vez más.

We keep on working as a bilingual schooll. So this year we will go on with this project eager to learn more and more.

En primer lugar quiero presentarme. Mi nombre es María José Reche, soy la tutora de 4ºD y durante el presente curso 2017-18  seré la coordinadora del proyecto bilingüe de centro

Firstly I´d like to introduce myself. My name is María José Reche , I am the tutor of 4ºD and during the current academic year I will be bilingual project coordinator.

Estamos encantados de tener a Lydia Lipski como auxiliar de inglés. 
We're glad to have Lydia Lipski as English auxiliar.